A user can add an external button and set it up as a secondary PFL Resume Button.
Attaching a secondary PFL Resume Button would be beneficial in an application where the PFL Resume Button on the robot is hard to reach. The user can attach a dual channel or a single channel button to the robot controller and set it up as a secondary PFL Resume Button.
Single Channel
In the video below, it shows how to attach a single channel, momentary button to the robot controller. Setting up the single channel button, the user would need to edit the Ladder Program and the Safety Logic Circuit of the robot controller. The video goes in detail on how to edit both the Ladder Program and the Safety Logic Circuit to be able to setup the single channel button as a secondary PFL Resume Button.
In the video, the single channel button’s input/output is physically attached to the YRC1000 robot controller, External Input #20035 and External Output #30035, which are tied into General Purpose Input #7, #00027 and General Purpose Output #7, #10027 in the Ladder Program.
These signal numbers are different from a YRC1000 to a YRC1000micro robot controller. On Table 1, it shows the difference between signals from the YRC1000 and YRC1000micro robot controller. For additional information reference Section 9: I/O List on the “YRC1000/YRC1000micro Collaborative Operation Instruction Manual” (181437-1CD).
Table 1: Table of Different Signal Numbers between the YRC1000 and YRC1000micro
For more information on how to connect the single channel button to the I/O breakout card, reference Section 14.10: Robot General Purpose I/O Signal Assignment in the “YRC1000 Instructions Manual” (178642-1CD) or “YRC1000micro General Purpose Inputs and Outputs Connections” (188449-1) or “YRC1000micro Option Supplement I/O Configuration for Breakout Board” (192685-1CD).
Dual Channel Button
Using a Dual Channel button, the user would only need to edit the Safety Logic Circuit to implement the dual channel button to behave as a secondary PFL Resume Button. The Dual Channel button would be physically connected to the Expansion Safety Terminal Block Board of the YRC1000 or YRC1000micro robot controller. One note, XIN/XOUT represent FSBIN/FSBOUT, which are the Physical Discrete Safety I/O on the Safety Logic Circuit.
It is recommended to connect the output signal of the dual channel button to the Physical Safety Input Signal, FSBIN/XIN #2, or any other open signals. By default, FSBIN/XIN #1 is tied to the User Side of the Safety Logic Circuit to enable Collaborative Operations. Then connect the input signal of the dual channel button to the Physical Safety Output Signal FSBOUT/XOUT #1 or any other open signal. For details on which Safety I/O signals are available, reference Section 11: Default Settings of Function Safety General-Purpose I/O Signals in the “YRC1000/YRC1000micro Collaborative Operation Instruction Manual” (181437-1CD).
1.) YRC1000
For a YRC1000 controller, the Expansion Safety Terminal Block Board (IM-YE250/5-80P) or CN220 is in the bottom right corner, of the inside of the controller door as shown in Figure 1. From Figure 1, there is a table next to the breakout card that labels what each port represents.
Figure 1: Expansion Safety Terminal Block Board (CN220) of a YRC1000 Controller
2.) YRC1000micro
In a YRC1000micro robot controller, the dual channel button would be connected to the Expansion Safety Terminal Block Board (-X77) or CN3 which can be seen in Figure 2. The Expansion Safety Terminal Block Board (-X77) part number is 149259-3 and the cable from the expansion board to the controller is part number 186172-2. Unfortunately, it does not have a table that labels what each connector represents as in the YRC1000 board. The user would need to access Table 2-1 on the “YRC1000micro Options Instructions for Functional Safety Function Manual” (183448-1CD) to know what signals to physically connect the dual channel button. This table is also shown below in Figure 3.
Figure 2: Expansion Safety Terminal Block Board (CN3) of a YRC1000micro Controller
Figure 3: Table 2-1 from the “YRC1000micro Options Instructions for Functional Safety Function Manual” (183448-1CD)
3.) Safety Logic Circuit
Once the dual channel button is connected to the Expansion Safety Terminal Block Board, navigate to the Safety Logic Circuit to edit the signals of the dual channel button to behave as the PFL Resume Button. In Figure 4, the output signal of the dual channel button is connected to FSBIN02 and the input signal of the dual channel button is connected to FSBOUT01. In rung #2, the input signal will be FSBIN02 and the output signal will be MS-OUT57. MS-OUT 57 is the signal to reset the PFL alarm. Then in rung #3 the input signal is FSBOUT07 and the output signal is FSBOUT01. FSBOUT07 is the Resume Button Switch LED that’s attached on the B-axis of the HC robot. Once the edits are made, press “WRITE” → “CONFIRM” and then “YES” to update the Safety Logic Circuit.
Figure 4: Editing the Safety Logic Circuit to Enable the Dual Channel Button as a Secondary PFL Resume Button
For more information on adding a dual channel button and setting it up as a secondary PFL Resume Button, reference Section 12.7.5: Add a Resume Switch for Collaborative Operation in the “YRC1000/YRC1000micro Instruction for Smart Pendant Manual” (184775-1CD).
The user can add an external button and set it up as a secondary PFL Resume Button. The button could be either be single or dual channel. Depending on the button, the user would need to modify the Ladder Program of the robot controller. The user would need to modify the Safety Logic Circuit of the robot controller, regardless of what button is used for the external button to behave as a secondary PFL Resume Button.
Always conduct a risk assessment before editing the Safety Logic Circuit, to verify the changes made, when adding the external button to behave as a secondary PFL Resume Button, do not affect the safety settings and signals that were placed beforehand, in your specific system. Failure to conduct a risk assessment may result in serious injury. When recovering from a PFL alarm, clear any objects that the robot might have crashed into and verify that nobody is in the path of the robot, before pressing the PFL Resume Button.
When wiring the external button to the robot controller, make sure to turn OFF the robot controller, to prevent any damage to the controller or I/O boards.
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