The DX200 controller supports up to 64 interference zones for monitoring the Robot
TCP for R1 ~ R8, or the positions of Base tracks B1 ~ B8 or Station Axes S1 ~ S24.
The METHOD is based on the Control Group as follows:
(Monitors XYZ of TCP in ROBOT, BASE, or USER FRAME data)
(Monitors External/Base Axis position in PULSE data)
These zones are internally tied to Specific Outputs SOUT#057 through SOUT#120.
The signal turns ON when the monitored TCP/AXIS is confirmed to be inside the
zone by Feedback Position, or when entering the zone by Command Position.
The CHECK MEASURE may be determined by use as follows:
• FEEDBACK POSITION Confirmed to be inside the zone. (SOUT
turns ON after encoder feedback confirms entry into zone.) This setting
should be used when the monitored TCP/Axis must be in that zone prior to
allowing other operation(s)/application(s) to occur.
• COMMAND POSITION Anticipates entering the zone. (SOUT
turns ON as interpolated Command Position of the monitored TCP/Axis
defines entry into the zone.) This setting should be used to stop/prohibit
movement before entering the area.
CAUTION! The “Sequence Wait” function is designed to decelerate and stop movement after
the SOUT signal turns ON. When zones are being used for Interference Check,
set the dimensions to allow for deceleration.
NOTE: Defining a zone does not activate Interference Check. The DX200 controller’s
SYSTEM LADDER may already include Cubes for “Sequence Wait” based on
application/setup. The USER LADDER may be modified for using additional
CUBE/AXIS zones with their corresponding Specific Outputs.
Cube Definition Methods
The TEACHING METHOD of defining a Cubic Interference Zone for the Robot
TCP is not only based on the programmer’s preference, but also on the purpose for its
use and/or the robot cell layout. In addition, the INTR57 ~ INTR64 are dedicated, if
applicable, to R8 ~ R1, such that the WORK HOME POS dialog screen can be used.
• CENTER POSITION (Servo captured and manual entry XYZ)
• MAX/MIN (Servo capture or edit via numeric keypad)
Center Position Teaching Method
Defining a cube by the CENTER POSITION method is convenient for locations such
as a safe start/end position
NOTE: If the desired center point is a location already stored in a Position Variable or
Command Position within a job, then FWD to this location before accessing the
cube setting menu under ROBOT INTERFERENCE.
To define a cube using CENTER POS method.
1. From MAIN MENU choose ROBOT.
3. Use the PAGE key to display the desired cube number.
Choose DIRECT PAGE, enter the number; press ENTER.
4. Cursor to the METHOD; press SELECT, as required, to set to CUBIC
INTERFERENCE. (Answer YES to “Clear data?” if previous data exists.)
5. Cursor to the CONTROL GROUP; press SELECT, choose R1 or other.
6. Cursor to the CHECK MEASURE; press SELECT to toggle between the
Command Position / Feedback Position setting choices.
7. Cursor to the REF COORDINATE; press SELECT to choose BASE,
select USER, enter the UF#; press ENTER.
8. Cursor to ALARM OUTPUT, press SELECT to toggle between the ON / OFF setting choices.
9. Cursor to the TEACHING METHOD; press SELECT to display CENTER POS.
10. Enter a comment to describe the intent of the area, if desired.
11. Cursor to the dimension to be modified; press SELECT.Enter the numeric value in mm for the desired cube dimension; press ENTER. Complete this step for each edge (X, Y, and Z) dimension.
12. Jog the TCP to the desired center (if not already there); with servos ON, press MODIFY, ENTER.
NOTE: The pendant will display the Maximum and Minimum locations of the cube.
Max/Min Teaching Method
Defining a cube with the MAX/MIN method requires jogging the TCP to the desired
locations for the Maximum and Minimum XYZ “corners” of the cube. They are
individually captured with servo power ON.
To define a cube using the MAX/MIN method.
1. From MAIN MENU, choose ROBOT.
3. Use the PAGE key to display the desired cube number.
Choose DIRECT PAGE, enter the number; press ENTER.
4. Cursor to METHOD; press SELECT, as required, to set to CUBIC
INTERFERENCE. (Answer YES to “Clear data?” if previous data exists.)
5. Cursor to the CONTROL GROUP; press SELECT, then choose R1 or other.
6. Cursor to the CHECK MEASURE; press SELECT to toggle between the
Command Position / Feedback Position setting choices.
7. Cursor to the REF COORDINATE; press SELECT to choose BASE, ROBOT,
select USER, enter the UF#; press ENTER.
8. Cursor to ALARM OUTPUT, press SELECT to toggle between the ON / OFF
setting choices.
9. Cursor to the TEACHING METHOD, press SELECT to display MAX/MIN.
10. Press MODIFY; the cursor will highlight MAX position.
11. Jog TCP to the desired Maximum XYZ; with servos ON, press ENTER.
12. Cursor to MIN position column. Press MODIFY.
13. Jog TCP to the desired Minimum XYZ position; with servos ON, press ENTER.
NOTE: The Cubes 1 through 56 are always stored by parameters with MAX/MIN data
format in microns, regardless of teaching method. The Cubes 57 through 64 are
either based on their cube parameters, or if the Work Home method of teaching
is used, then (R8~R1) center is the robot’s [OPE ORIGIN POS] and the edge
length is based on Parameter S3C1097.
Alarm Output
If the Alarm output is off, the tool control point can go into the interference zone and
only the corresponding Specific Output will turn on.
If the Alarm Output is on and the tool control point is manually jogged into the cube a
message on the message line is displayed.
If the Check Measure is set to Feedback the robot will need to be recovered.
If the Check Measure is set to Command the robot can be jogged away from the
Interference Area,
If Alarm Output is on and the tool control point is forwarded, Interlock+Test Started,
or run in Play into the cube an alarm is displayed.
To recover the robot, after any alarms are cleared.
1. From MAIN MENU, choose ROBOT.
3. Using SELECT, change the Cubic / Axis Interference Release to read “VALID”.
The message line will read “CUBIC / AXIS interference have been released.”
Choose one of the following three ways to cancel the Soft Limit and All Limit release:
• Complete the steps above, but in step 3 using SELECT will show
• Switch to PLAY mode,
• Turn the main power switch OFF, wait 5 seconds, then turn it ON
Work Home [OPE ORIGIN POS] Method (Cubes 57-64 only)
The DX200 controller acknowledges up to eight robot Work Home Position cubes (Cubes 57-
64), but only if the corresponding robot exists in the system. Otherwise, each available zone may
be defined by other methods for another purpose.
Each center is automatically defined by the robot’s WORK HOME POSITION.
All cube edges default to a parameter formatted in microns such that the zone is truly a cube with
all sides the same length. (Parameter S3C1097)
CAUTION! If necessary, the Cubes 57~64 for R8~R1 may be defined using any of the other methods
whenever the XYZ lengths must differ. However, if the Work Home Position method is
ever used to modify the cube, then not only does that change the Cube’s center, but it also
changes its edge lengths back to the default S3C1097 parameter defined dimension.
CAUTION! The WORK HOME POSITION for each robot is also associated with the Specific Inputs
for Operation Origin Return R1~R8 to go to the center of Cubes 64~57, respectively.
Modifying the WORK HOME POS will change the location for [OPE ORIGIN RET]
function as well.
NOTE: If a cube within 57~64 is being used for a purpose other than the robot’s WORK HOME
POS, then its OPE ORIGIN RET function cannot be used.
Defining External/Base Axis Interference Zone
An interference area can be used to monitor MAX/MIN Pulse data for an External or Base axis
by choosing the AXIS INTERFERENCE method. In this manner, the interference zone is the
range of operation between the maximum and minimum pulse counts for the chosen axis.
To define an External/Base Axis Interference zone.
1. From MAIN MENU, choose ROBOT.
3. Use the PAGE key to display the desired cube number.
Choose DIRECT PAGE, enter the number; press ENTER.
4. Cursor to METHOD. Press SELECT; choose AXIS INTERFERENCE. (Answer YES to
“CLEAR DATA?” if previous data exists.)
5. Cursor to CONTROL GROUP. Press SELECT, then choose S1/B1 or other.
6. Cursor to CHECK MEASURE. Press SELECT to choose either COMMAND POSITION or
7. Cursor to ALARM OUTPUT, press SELECT to toggle between the ON / OFF setting
8. Press MODIFY; the cursor will highlight MAX position.
9. Jog the External/Base axis to the desired maximum position; with servos ON, press ENTER.
10. Cursor to MIN position column; press MODIFY.
11. Jog the External/Base axis to the desired minimum position; with servos ON, press ENTER.
NOTE: The Maximum and Minimum range values may also be entered by using the numeric
keypad. The maximum must be greater than the minimum setting.
Interference Definition by Numeric Keypad
Both CUBE and AXIS interference zones can be defined and/or modified using the numeric
keypad MAX/MIN method. This is especially helpful when the area needs to be larger than what
the robot TCP can reach for a MAX or MIN setting.
When the REF COORDINATE is USER FRAME as shown in the figure below, this method is
convenient because the data is user friendly.
To enter Cube/Axis data or make modifications using the numeric keypad, complete the
following steps (servo power is not required):
1. From MAIN MENU, choose ROBOT.
2. Choose INTERFERENCE and PAGE to the desired Interference Zone.
3. Cursor to the Cube’s X, Y, or Z MIN/MAX (or the Axis MAX/MIN) to be modified and
press SELECT.
4. Enter the desired data for TCP in mm (or Axis in Pulse counts); press ENTER.
Repeat Steps 3 and 4 for each MAX/MIN to be modified.
The following figure shows the before and after for modifying all six cube elements.
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