Hand guided motion is available on Human Collaborative (HC) robots. This allows users to direct and teach robot motion by applying external force to the robot arm. It should be noted that Collaborative mode must be enabled in Robot Safety settings.
Additionally, if too much force is applied the Power and Force Limiting (PFL) system may be tripped causing the robot to halt. This must be reset using the amber light on the B-Axis of the robot.
Activating Hand Guiding
The following steps outline how to start hand guidance:
- Select the Hand Guiding mode from the drop-down menu on the Smart Pendant header.
- Activate SERVOS.
- Increase the jogging speed of the robot to High or Top.
- Depress and hold the Move "Direct Teach" (DT) button along the wrist of the robot.
- Move the robot while holding down the Move DT button.
Moving the Robot
Weld Builder introduces the ability to switch between two distinct Hand Guiding jogging modes. These modes are XYZ + Tool and TCP Rotate. These modes promote an easier jogging experience within the context of welding.
XYZ + Tool
Fixes the tool orientation while allowing motion within 3D space. This helps keep the torch aligned to the part while hand guiding.
TCP Rotate
Fixes the position of the current tool's TCP while allowing rotation around the TCP. This allows reorientation of the torch during hand guidance.
These two modes can be swapped between by depressing the Move DT button followed by the Tool DT Button on the side of the robot's wrist. Wait for the button LEDs to flash temporarily to note when the swap has completed.
Direct Teach Button Functionality
The buttons along the side of the collaborative robot's wrist allow for programming a welding job's motion without ever having to touch the pendant. Each button plays a unique role in programming the job:
Move Button
Holding down this button allows the user to move the robot while in Hand Guiding jogging mode. The secondary function of this button is to change the jogging speed via a double tap.
Double Tap Move
It is possible to toggle the robot to a slower hand guiding speed. This is done by double tapping the Move DT button. When activated, the button LEDs will begin to flash while in slow speed mode. Double tap again to return to normal speed.
Modifier Functions
This button is also used as a modifier button in which holding down the button then depressing either Teach or Tool also performs a unique function.
- Hold Move + Press Teach: Cycle between the available motion types (Joint, Linear, Circular)
- Hold Move + Press Tool: Cycle between XYZ + Tool and TCP Rotate hand guiding modes.
Teach Button
Depressing the Teach DT button will program the robot's current position into the active job. This function is consistent effect across the application. However, it is only available depending on the current context. Meaning it is only used while within the Weld Editor or the Program Motion step of the Weld Wizard.
Tool Button
Depressing the Tool DT button is contextually sensitive and may have a different effect depending on which screen is open in Weld Builder. Within the Weld Editor this button toggles ON and OFF the state of the welder for the next programmed motion. This functions the same as pressing the Welding toggle switch on the User Interface.
However, when in the Weld Wizard this button will cycle between the available motions steps while programming the robot path.
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