INFORM on the teach-pendant is intended for pre-determined repeated points. However, many users want to dynamically generate motion from an external source. This guide is intended to instruct the general differences between each method of external motion control and why it is used. This is not a detailed guide on how to use any particular API.
I/O Jog
The simplest method of moving the robot is to use the I/O Jog function. This allows General Purpose inputs to replace the jogging keys on the pendant. So, control can be achieved through a PLC or simple discreet inputs.
This is available on the DX100 and newer. But functionality has been increased with the YRC1000 and newer.
YMConnect is a library for custom PC applications to easily communicate with and control the robot controller. It allows users to queue motion targets in a buffer. The robot controller’s motion planner will continuously plot a smooth trajectory through the points in the buffer. The robot will continue to move for as long as targets are populated in the buffer.
The motion planner is the same one used by INFORM jobs. So, this interface is essentially a continuous on-the-fly INFORM job.
As with INFORM, very dense points will cause issues with the velocity profile. It is recommended to space out points the same way you would when programming on the teach pendant.
No INFORM job is running when this interface is used.
Although YMConnect is supported on DX100 and up, the motion interface is only available on YRC1000 or newer.
A MotoPlus application is an executable that runs directly on the robot controller’s CPU. This is the most capable SDK available and has the most options for motion control. (It is also the most difficult to develop.)
- Point-to-point
- mpMOVJ, mpMOVL, mpPulseMOVJ, mpPulseMOVL
- The robot must fully decelerate between each point. You cannot request a second point until the deceleration is complete. You cannot achieve a smooth trajectory with this method.
- No INFORM job is running when this interface is used.
- mpMOVJ, mpMOVL, mpPulseMOVJ, mpPulseMOVL
- Buffered trajectory (on-the-fly INFORM)
- mpMotTargetSend
- This is the same interface as the one used by YMConnect, described above.
- No INFORM job is running when this interface is used.
- mpMotTargetSend
- Real-time incremental motion
- mpExRcsIncrementMove
- Not to be confused with mpIMOV, which is a point-to-point motion relative to the current position.
- This interface requires you to submit increments for each joint at the rate of the motion planner’s interpolation clock (default 4 ms). This gives the maximum level of control over the robot posture and acceleration profile.
- This requires an external motion planner to the calculate the kinematics and path planning.
- An INFORM job must be running and sitting on a WAIT command for this API to control the motion.
- mpMeiIncrementMove
- This is the legacy version of mpExRcsIncrementMove. It is only used for the DX100. Also, it requires a SKILLSND command to be executed before the WAIT command in the INFORM job.
- mpExRcsIncrementMove
- Path correction
- mpMeiPutCorrPath
- This API is used to modify the path of a pre-programmed INFORM job. Small correctional offsets are submitted at the rate of the motion planner’s interpolation clock (default 4 ms). This is useful for real-time tracking of a path that could deviate from the pre-programmed nominal path.
- mpMeiPutCorrPath
- Jog in teach
- mpManualMov
- This allows for motion control while in TEACH mode. It is useful if an external device is used for jogging control, such as a F/T sensor on the tooling or perhaps a 3D mouse.
- mpManualMov
MotoCom32, MotoComES, High Speed Ethernet Server, and Ethernet Server
These API services are generally not recommended for motion control. They support point-to-point motion only. The robot must fully decelerate between each point. You cannot request a second point until the deceleration is complete. You cannot achieve a smooth trajectory with this method.
MotoCom32 is available for ERC and newer.
Ethernet Server is available for NX100 and newer.
MotoComES and High Speed Ethernet Server are available on DX100 and newer.
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